• SVD Foundation, India
  • +91 9739390695

Mudra Therapy

  • Mudra Foundation

Mudra Foundation

Mudra Foundation

What is Mudra?

      Mudra is a simple yoga posture done to channelize the energy flow in our body. By doing this, one can treat most common diseases and discomforts in the physical body.

Regular practice of mudras will contribute to your overall good health and can be used as a preventive measure.

Benefits of mudra practice:

  1. Easy to do.
  2. Work equivalent to many yoga asana postures.
  3. Self-healing method.
  4. Helps with regular breathing and meditation practice.
  5. Certain mudras can bring in lifestyle changes.
  6. Wish fulfilling mudra can help you be focused and get the goal achieved.

Pancha Bootha / Five Elements

Pancha Bootha are the basic components for anything in this world. The combination of which works to millions object and entities.

The basic Pancha bootha / five elements are

  1. Earth / Prithvi
  2. Water / Jala / Apu
  3. Fire / Agni
  4. Air / Vayu
  5. Akash / Space / Ether

Five Elements

General Instructions For All Mudras

Duration : Minimum 8 minutes to Maximum 24 minutes.
Sitting posture : Comfortable sitting posture with neck and back straight (else you can sit in chair).
Age limit : Minimum 7+ years and no maximum age limits.
Note : People with high Blood pressure, low Blood pressure and Heart diseases, Pregnant and to be Pregnant take advice personally before practice.


Performed to attain balanced health of 5 sense organs, immunity and for energy. Represents the physical body.

Join the tip of the ring finger with the tip of the thumb finger and rest of the fingers stretched out straight.

Benefits :

  • Body & Mind becomes strong.
  • Dizziness, unsteadiness vanishes.
  • Restlessness of body & mind disappears.

Major mudra benefits are :

  1. Body temperature is balanced.
  2. Sinusitis, chronic cold etc. will decrease.
  3. Digestion is improved.
  4. Body weight decreases.
  5. Steadiness in life.
  6. Patience.
  7. Concentration.
  8. Self confidence.

Prithvi Mudra


Almost 70% of the body is water. Varuna mudra keeps the water balance in the body.

Join the tip of the little finger with the tip of the thumb and rest of the fingers stretched out straight.

Benefits :

  1. Cools down the body.
  2. Dryness of skin disappears.
  3. Removes impurities present in the body.
  4. Cures skin diseases.
  5. Quenches excess thirst.
  6. Improves circulation.
  7. Wrinkles disappear.
  8. Preserves Youthfulness.

Warning :
Don’t do this mudra immediately after taking bath or after getting drenched in rain.
Do this mudra with caution – If you have sinusitis or very low body temperature.
During winter & rainy days do it only for 10-15 minutes.

Varuna Mudra


Surya means – the Sun. Surya mudra generates heat in the body like the sun. This mudra decreases Prithivi elements and increases Agni elements. This mudra strengthens eyes and improves vision.

The tip of the ring finger is to be placed at the base of the thumb and thumb is to be placed gently on the back of the ring finger (Bend Ring finger and press with thumb and other finger stretched out straight).

Benefits :

  1. Body temperature is raised.
  2. Body becomes strong.
  3. Burns the excess fat.
  4. Stimulates the thyroid gland.
  5. Mental stress is reduced.
  6. Body weight decreases.

Note :
Hypothyroidism is cured by this mudra.
Excellent results for high cholesterol & obesity.

Warning :
Don’t do Surya mudra if you have Hyperthyroidism, Fever or Very low stamina.
Don’t do this mudra for a longer time during summer.

Surya Mudra


This is the element of movement. All movements of the body and within the body, voluntary as well as involuntary, are effect by air.
Air is also responsible for our thoughts and emotions and for the movements of the electrical impulses along sensory and motor nerves.

Connect the tips of index finger and thumb finger with other fingers stretched out straight.

Benefits :

  1. Air element is balanced.
  2. Catching muscle pains disappear.
  3. Pains in the back, neck and joints disappears.
  4. Indigestion is cured.
  5. Blenching is reduced.

Note :
Ring, Middle and little finger are straight not bend.
Vayu Mudra (Oxygen, Prana).
Without food / water we can live for 3-7 weeks. This is proven in science too.
But without air we lose consciousness within 8-12 minutes.
This mudra fixes the imbalance of physical and mental body.

Vayu Mudra


Space within the body is a part of outer pace. A person becomes very broad minded when it is balanced.

Connect the middle finger with thumb and all the other finger stretched out straight.

Benefits :

  1. Hearing becomes sharp.
  2. Heals ear diseases.
  3. Strengthens the bones.
  4. Controls heart diseases.
  5. Removes sense of emptiness.
  6. Destroys Ego.

Akash Mudra

Our SVD Foundation is taking Yoga therapy, Mudra therapy classes in Bangalore, Chennai, Chidambaram. And taking Corporate Yoga sessions.

Parthiban R, MSc(Yoga) S-VYASA University,
Yoga Therapist and Mudra Teacher,
Member of Indian Yoga Association,
Founder and Managing Trustee, SVD Foundation

Pro-nature, Pro-poor, Pro-women & Pro-livelihood, is a long-lasting motto of our trust to accomplish all program towards rural areas